Mauro Bellone: Roboticist, entrepreneur and innovation technology specialist
Career statement/Executive summary : Results-driven innovator and collaborative leader with a rich background in academia and industry, specializing in cutting-edge technology and robotics. I possess a proven track record of fostering team efficiency and promoting a culture of continuous improvement. Known for my ability to unravel complexities, I am driven by a relentless curiosity to understand the intricacies of the world around me.
As an assertive team leader, I go beyond conventional thinking, inspiring my team to embrace creativity and innovation. By leading through example, I have successfully elevated team performance and facilitated the development of groundbreaking ideas. My commitment to supporting and nurturing innovative thinking serves as a catalyst for team motivation.
A particular area of passion lies in financial asset management and portfolio optimization across diverse asset classes. My dedication to this field is underpinned by a combination of analytical prowess and a keen understanding of market dynamics. I have successfully applied these skills to enhance portfolio performance.
Research experience:
Since 2021, adjunct professor at TalTech - Tallinn University of Technology - Smart city center of excellence;
2015-2021, researcher at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
2014 - 2015, CETMA Consortium - Centro di Progettazione, Design e Tecnologie dei Materiali (Brindisi - Italy);
2011 - 2014, PhD in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at University of Salento – Department of Innovation Engineering; Thesis in Mobile Robotics and autonomous driving in cooperation between University of Salento and Automatic, Electronic and Robotics Research Group TEP-197 – University of Almeria – Spain, entitled "Toward Autonomous Driving: From Perception to Safe Navigation'' a draft version is available in the publications section, here.
2013 - 2014, Automatic, Electronic and Robotics Research Group TEP-197 – University of Almeria - Spain. I have worked in the development of hybrid reactive-planned algorithms for trajectory planning of mobile robots, exploring their real application to an autonomous electric vehicle prototype
2009, training at Space Robotics Laboratory – Department on Aerospace Engineering Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University Aoba 6-6-01, Sendai, 980-8579 - Japan "Probabilistic characterization of the Top-URG Laser Range Finder Sensors"
Industrial experience:
Since 2022, Technological support for renewable plats design at Renfic (Lecce - Italy)
Since 2019, AI researcher at Echolight S.p.a. (Lecce - Italy)
2018 - 2019, technical expert at CEN - CENELEC and part of the project team 1711 for the creation of new standardization in Urban ITS.
2017 - 2023, consultant at Fuilcell AB (Gothenburg). Main developer and maintainer of Biopen wizard 2.1 and BioZone6. Smart open source software for the control of microfluidic devices. See github repository here.
2017, consultant at Didacticoop (Italy). Main developer of Galileo1.0 an open source software for learning in primary school.
2015 - 2017, Volvo Group Trucks Technology, ANTWaY - Automated Next generation Transport Vehicle for Work Yard application (Gothenburg - Sweden)
2010 - 2011, company advisor for Ele.Mer Srl Impianti – Galatina (LE)
2005 - 2011 Founder Member of Nitens S.r.l. Spin-off of University of Salento with share of 10 %. Working as project manager for the production of PowerLed technology based lamps for public illumination, and renewable energy plants, in particular photovoltaic plants (small plants and big plants – power up to 1MW) and the electricity connection line in medium voltage (Lecce - Italy)
2008 - Project manager for Union Key S.r.l. in a project of the control circuit to observe fuel traces in motor oil through an electronic nose in collaboration with IMM-CNR of Lecce. Project code: MIUR FAR–297 (Lecce - Italy)
Teaching activities:
Course instructor in the course of big data and data analysis with IFOA (Bari) 2021 (taught in Italian) - Open material available on GitHub
2020 - 2021 Guest lecturer, Beijing Institute of Technology - "Lidar-camera fusion techniques", "Learning the tail"
Chalmers University of Technology – TME102 - Vehicle dynamics - 2017-2019;
Chalmers University of Technology – DAT295/DIT667 Autonomous and Cooperative Vehicular Systems - 2015-2020;
Department of Mechanic, Math and Management of Polytechnic of Bari (Italy) – Architectures of robotic vehicles and autonomous driving Code: PON PON01\_01366 BATTERIE
Secondary school - Istituto di Istruzione secondaria superiore 'Salvatore Trinchese' Via Prolungamento Piazza Gramsci 73025 – Martano (LE) – Programma Operativo Nazionale "Competenze per lo sviluppo" - C-5-FSE-2013-36 Esperto delle Energie Rinnovabili (Italian) - Code: PON C-5-FSE-2013-36.
Corporate training project 2012-2013 in Mengoli Energy – Code n. 67384. Reduction of costs in public lighting management, research and new solutions.
Corporate training project 2012-2013 in Mengoli Energy – Code n. 67390. Safety in construction sites and electric plants.
Corporate training project 2012 in Uniti per Crescere - 2013 n.67382. Remote management of devices for public lighting.
Secondary school - Istituto di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore “Antonietta De Pace” Lecce – Viale Marche, 28. Designing of photovoltaic plants – Renewable energy and energy savings. 2010
Publishing activities :
I am glad to contribute as reviewer for several international journals and IEEE conferences such as IROS and ICRA;
Best reviewer 2015 for the International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems;
Please see the complete list of my publications in the dedicated page;